The name of this Institution shall be “Al-Jamayat-Ul Qadria” and its registered office shall be located at Kashmir.
Aims and objectives of Darul-Uloom (Al-Jamayat-Ul Qadria)
(A) |
Promotion and publication of religious sciences (Qur’an, Hadith, ‘Aqa’id, and Fiqh) and the body of knowledge related to them for the benefit of Muslim masses. |
(B) |
Making arrangements to impart the teaching or Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh and ‘Aqa’id in a manner as would be comprehensive produce subject specialists. They would have acquired perfect expertise in major departments of religious studies whereby they could confidently render distinctive services in a particular area, such as, judiciary (Qada), promotion (Tabligh), Ruling (Ifta’), writing and compilation. |
Darul Ifta’
The establishment of Darul Ifta’ through which the general body of Muslims could have the facility of finding out The correct information about the injunctions of the Shari’ah.
Dar al Tabligh:
The establishment of Dar al Tabligh through which the religious sensitivity of common Muslims could be awakened and the quality of their personal and social life made better in the light of correct Islamic injections.
The establishment of night schools through which educated Muslims who did not acquire religious Knowledge formally could be oriented with essential requisites of Islam. Making special arrangements to provide for moral and religious grooming of all students who are related with Darul ‘Uloom in any capacity.
Dar al-Tasnif [The Department of Compilation and Translation]:
This Department is devoted to compilation and translation of books on intellectual and religious subjects.
It is the grace of Allah Ta’ala that the intellectual and research oriented work this department has done with simplicity and silence equals the work of many academies. Major scholarly books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English were compiled at auspices of Jamia Darul-‘Uloom QADRIA.
This monthly magazine in Urdu carrying scholarly, literary, historical and research-based articles is published by Darul-‘Uloom’s department, Dar al-Tasnif. The quality of its articles is high in terms of its diversity, Investigation and information. In addition to that, the objective of the magazine is to communicate the message of Islam and contribute its share in the promotion of Islamic values to the new generation in an attractive manner through the best of modern style of writing. Its articles in areas of learning, research, moral betterment and religious propagation have provided intellectual guidance at every crucial juncture of our history in the manner and spirit of the most righteous forbears of the faith. For this reason, the popularity of this magazine is not simply restricted to Kashmir, infact, it is also equally popular in and outside the editorial of the magazine written by Maulana GULAM RASOOL HAMI is usually based on thought –provoking contemporary subjects and serves as welcome reading for subscribers. This magazine also rated high in the journalistic values of state.
The scholarly library of Darul-‘Uloom is, with the grace of Allah Ta’ala, one of the most distinguished scholarly libraries of the country, in fact, this is perhaps the most comprehensive library specializing in Islamic sciences, a library which has a collection of more than seventy thousand books on its shelves. Though, it does have books relating to classical and modern sciences and arts in different languages, but books of Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Tarikh, Rijal, ‘Aqa’id, Kalam and the sciences of the Arabic languages are the hallmark of this library.
The great founder of Darul-‘Uloom, HAZRAT MOULANA GULAM RASOOL HAMI had a special taste for books and, right from the beginning, despite paucity of resources, tried his best to make this library as beneficial for scholars, teachers and students as was possible. Alhamdulillah, the addition of books in the library is increasing every day and it can be said that this library has become ideal in terms of its comprehensiveness.
Masjid under the management of Darul-‘Uloom:
Other than the Jami’ Masjid located in the tergame compound of Darul-‘Uloom there are an additional Masjid under the control/management of Darul’ Uloom.
Darul-‘Uloom has a large building devoted exclusively to the preparation of breakfast, lunch and dinner for its students. At present, this kitchen manages to cook and cater food for more than 200 individuals in a single shift. This building has a spacious hall with all required facilities for cooking food and rooms to serve as storage for raw commodities. The supply of good meat is ensured through an in-house slaughter of animals done by expert butchers under supervision. Then there are separate offices to control and manage the entire operation. Right now, there is a Dining Hall spacious enough to host …….. . in fact, this facility was used to feed students collectively under one roof for a fairly long time.
Medical Centre:
Special attention is paid in Darul-‘Uloom on health, sanitation and cleanliness. A medical center housed in a separated building serves the health needs of the Campus. Qualified physicians are on duty to see patients and write prescriptions which are usually filled at the dispensary of the Centre. For the diagnosis of different diseases, there are specialist doctors who kindly donate their time and expertise voluntarily for the good pleasure of Allah and with the intention of being rewarded in the Akhirah to the medical center and would see such patients on different days of the week. In this way, Alhamdulillah, students and others have access to medical attention at their doorsteps. As an addition. As an additional support for any extended medical monitoring, beds have been provided in one of the rooms of this Medical Centre.
The Computer Department:
Presently, ten IBM computers have been procured for this Department and are being used for composing in Urdu, Arabic and English.
For the computer department, the field in extensive. Besides composing manuscripts for printing, computerization of the accounts department, the great main library of Darul-‘Uloom and Academic records is being pursued with speed and it is hoped that things will Work out soon. In addition to that, computer training has been made a part of the curriculum in DARUL ULOOM that the students find interesting and beneficial for them.
Darul-‘Uloom is located on a acre plot of land. To make its atmosphere look pleasant and peaceful for the achievement of educational objectives, it has been provided with beautiful horticultural features to synchronize with its buildings. there are spacious green lawns hemmed by flower-beds inside and outside residential hostels and in front of classrooms that the students also use to study and to revamp their classroom lessons through the traditional method of ‘takrar.’ In addition to that, furthermore, effort is also made to put portions of this land of Darul-‘Uloom, where the would be buildings will take time to rise, under cultivation for crops which helps keep the ecological system of the area clean, beautiful and healthy.
There are six Darul-Ulooms directly controlled and managed by the AL-JAMAYATUL QADRI, the finance and the other things related to these Darul-Ulooms are monitored by the head of the institution.
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
Besides these religious Darul-Ulooms AL-JAMAYATUL QADRI runs more than hundred Dharasgah in various areas of the Jammu and Kashmir. In which religious teaching are given to them in latest from. Weekly programs were organized by these Dharasgah in which top scholars of the valley participate in theses.
The management of these Dharasgah is fully controlled by the AL-JAMAYATUL QADRI.
Taking any other initiatives that are necessary in the interest of wider dissemination of Islamic teachings or help in the fulfillment of the objectives stated above.
The powers and duties of the president shall be as follows:
1. |
The president shall oversee and protect the aims, objectives and creed of Darul-‘Uloom. |
2. |
The signature of the president shall be mandatory when withdrawing Darul-‘Uloom funds deposited for safe keeping in a bank under the names of the president and the Treasurer. |
3. |
The president shall give the final approval to bylaws for Darul-‘Uloom. |
4. |
The president shall exercise all executive powers on behalf of the Board of Governors excepted when restrictions have been placed on this general rule by the Board. |
The president shall total discretionary jurisdiction over all departments of education in Darul-‘Uloom.
The president shall have powers to appoint, dismiss, Promote and demote teaching and administrative staff of Darul-‘Uloom and to institute the necessary administrative arrangements for efficient performance of duties assigned to them.
All donations for Darul-‘Uloom in cash, commodity or property, whether moveable or immovable shall be received for Darul-‘Uloom under the signature of the president of Darul-‘Uloom. Similarly, the president shall have the power to conduct all internal and external administrative business of Darul-‘Uloom as related to law of land for this purpose, he will present himself personally or authorize an attorney at law or an employee of Darul-‘Uloom to visit the relevant office and pursue the case of Darul-‘Uloom. The president shall sign all documents concerning the lease and tax etc. in his capacity as the Custodian or administrator of Darul-‘Uloom. If the endowed or non endowed property of Darul-‘Uloom has to be sold, then, subject to staying within the limits of the Shari’ah and having the permission of the Board of Governors, he will have the authority to sell that property, fulfill all legal requirements in this connection and receive the amount on behalf of Darul-‘Uloom. Likewise, the president of Darul-‘Uloom shall also have the power to purchase any moveable or immovable property, in the interest of Darul-‘Uloom and with approval of the Board of Governors, make all functional arrangements in this connection and disburse its payment from Darul-‘Uloom funds.
1. The president shall have the authority to entrust one of his powers to an individual or sub committee.
The powers and duties of the Vice president shall be as follows:
The vice president shall be in charge of all intellectual and research contributions of Darul-‘Uloom except that the Board of Governors makes any addition, deletion or change in his powers and duties.
The vice president shall exercise the powers of the president in his absence.
(B) SECRETARY, Board of Governors:
The Duties of the secretary, Board of Governors shall be as follows:
1. Call a meeting of the Board of Governors as advised by the president and make the necessary arrangements
2. Prepare minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Governors.
1. The treasurer shall maintain the accounts of Darul-‘Uloom as laid by the Board of Governors or as directed by the president.
2. The treasurer will deposit the reserve funds of the institution in a Bank approved by the Board of Governors.
Powers of the Board of Governors:
(A) |
All powers relating to the funds, properties, administration |
(B) |
And management of the institution shall be vested in the Board of Governors. |
(C) |
The Board of Governors can delegate a part of its powers to a sub committee, office bearer or member. |
(D) |
The Board of Governors shall have the power to fill a vacancy created in its ranks because of resignation, expulsion or death. |
(E) |
If the conduct of a member is, God forbid, openly harmful of Darul-‘Uloom and there is no way it could be corrected, then, the Board of Governors can cancel his membership by a two third majority. |
(F) |
The Board of Governors shall have the power to amend the constitution of Darul-‘Uloom but not the right to make any amendment in its Aims and objectives. |
(G) |
The Board of Governors shall have the right to enact bylaws and regulations for the purpose of a proper management of Darul-‘Uloom.The quorum of the meetings of the Board of Governors shall be that of five individuals or one third of the total number (whichever exceeds). |
(A) |
All moneys belonging to Darul-‘Uloom shall be deposited in as scheduled bank which has been chosen by the Board of Governors for this purpose and which shall be clearly informed in writing that no interest should be applied on the deposited amount. |
(B) |
The Bank account shall be opened on behalf of Darul-‘Uloom with the president and treasurer being the joint signatories. |
(C) |
To withdraw money from the bank, joint signatures of the president and treasures shall be necessary. |
(D) |
The annual accounts of Darul-‘Uloom shall be maintained and processed in accordance with the lunar calendar from Sha’ban 16 to Sha’ban 15 and shall be audited every year by a recognized chartered accountant that has been approved by the Board of Governors. |
(E) |
All capital funds, property and income shall be owned by Darul-‘Uloom only. And no part from it could ever be transferred to any member of the Board of Governors, or his relative, as profit or bonus. |
(A) |
The fulfillment of financial needs of Darul-‘Uloom shall depend on the notice and assistance of Muslims at large. |
1. In this connection, every such assistance shall be avoided as is likely to weaken the objectives and creed of Darul-‘Uloom. |
2. To achieve the objectives stated above, Darul-‘Uloom shall invariably adhere only to means that are approved or allowed in accordance with Shari’ah of Islam and are compatible with the dignity of a religious institution of higher learning. |
May Praise be for Allah and peace upon the prophet !(peace be upon him)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) has emphasized to behave lovingly with the students as he Says: “in deed, people from every nook and corner of the world would come to you to seek in-depth knowledge of the religion, so treat them well (Tirmizi). Therefore, it is the prime responsibility of the authorities of DARUL ULOOM to take care of the students.
This includes excellent education, guidance, good management and facilities. The Madrasas, by the grace of Allah, have been following this commandment, and Darul-‘Uloom AL-JAMAYAT-UL-QADRIA stands as an exemplary ideal amidst them. Advancement of education, religion as well as progress of Muslims lies hidden in the advancement of Darul-‘Uloom. Hence, keeping this in mind, the responsible persons of the Madrasas are requested to concentrate most on developing the talent of students and ensure that those seeking admission in Darul-‘Uloom are confidently prepared.
Therefore, essential rules and regulations are announced in the month of …………… for a few years. You are sincerely requested to cooperate with us by following these instructions:
1. |
The number of old and fresher students in Darul-Uloom will be ………….. Departments of Takmilaat, Calligraphy, and Darus Sanai (handicraft) are only for old students. Having enrolled the old students in the other departments, the available seats will be allotted to the new students . |
2. |
Admission test, starting from higher marks. |
3. |
In order to provide facility to students coming for admission, (Academic council) in a meeting held in …………….. has decided that application forms for admissions will be distributed form …………….to ………………… The forms will be distributed in the morning and those shall be submitted in the evening after Zuhar salah.
Admission test will be held in a phase only. Thus, the admission test will start from ……………. Therefore, the new students coming for admission should bear in mind that admission test forms will be available only up to …………………, and no forms shall be distributed or submitted on ……………… The admission test will begin from ………………. (In-Sha-Allah)
Note: Detailed chart of admission test can be seen at the end of the Admission Rules.
4. |
There will be written test of some books and oral test of some books for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Arabic classes. |
5. |
The students of diniyaat (Farsi 5th) at Darul-Uloom shall not be liable to appear at the admission test for 1st year Arabic. The new candidates for 1st year Arabic will have to take written and oral test.
All students of Arabic classes must be well-versed in recitation of 30th part of the Quran with the articulation rules. They will also have to take the test of it.
Fifth year Arabic: Sharh Wiqayah ( 1st and 2nd volume up to Kitabul Itaq), Usoolush Shashi, Talkhisul Miftah or Duroosul Balagah, Translation of the Glorious Quran (from surah Yusuf to Surah Qaaf) and Qutbi.
Sixth year Arabic: Hidayah(1st Volume),Noorul Anwar, Mukhtasarul Ma’ani, Sullamul Uloom, Maqamat Hariri.
Seventh year Arabic: Jalalain, Hidayah(2nd volume), Husami, Maibzi, Qasaid Muntakhabah of Divanul Mutanabbi.
Note: Students wishing to get admission in seventh year Arabic must learn reciting the Holy Quran with correct articulation.
Dawrah: Hidayah (last two volumes) Mishkat Sahrif, Sharah A’qaaid Nasfi, Nukhbatul Fikr, Siraji, along with memorization of 30th part of the Glorious Quran with correct articulation. Examination of 30th part will be carried out on the spot. (It should be noted that this examination will not substitute to Tajwid necessary for obtaining the certificate.
Note: if any candidate has the certificate of his previous education he could attach it with the admission form.
1. |
Minor students from outside DARUL-ULOOM shall not be given admission in 1st and 2nd year Arabic. |
2. |
Students who keeps minor children with him shall get his admission cancelled. |
3. |
Students not having proper appearance like improper haircut, trimming beard, letting trouser below ankle or doing any thing against the traditions of Darul-Uloom, would neither be given permission to sit in the exam hall nor the case will be considered. |
4. |
Students coming from border areas of J&K STATE shall have to submit nationality proof which may attested copy of S/C of any government school, ration card, electoral identity card or Indian passport. Students are asked to take original copy with them which they can show when demanded. |
5. |
The new students are asked to take their birth certificate which should be issued by municipal corporation board town area or gram panchayat. |
6. |
The new candidates will have to present certificates of their previous Madrasa regarding their character and educational record along with mark sheet. |
7. |
Personal testimonies and Sama’at (proof of attending the class without admission) shall not be applicable. |
Note: The students should keep in mind that the exam papers are handed over to the examiner after putting code numbers, therefore, the candidates should appear only at the exams they have prepared for. The address mentioned in the admission form shall be final and no change will allowed later.
The foreign students wishing to get admission in Darul-Uloom have to take education visa from Indian embassy of their country. In this regard, Darul-Uloom issues no objection certificate. It is to be noted that they can’t get admission on the basis of tourist visa. The Xerox copy of passport and visa should be enclosed with the admission form.
Since the medium of instruction is Urdu therefore if the foreign students learn a little bit Urdu that would be better for them. Darul-Uloom shall provide free education, accommodation and food and no kind of charge would be labeled.
Note: Some students inquire about distance education, so they should keep in mind that Darul-Uloom aims at providing education with Tarbiyah (Islamic atmosphere) that is not easy in the case of distance education. Hence, Darul-Uloom has no such kind of facility, yet interested students can communicate and receive guidelines.
Though basically, Darul-Uloom aims at providing Arabic Diniyaat but the elders have established various faculties in order to meet other religious and worldly needs e.g. faculty of Tajweed (Hafs Urdu and Arabic) faculty of Kitabat (Calligraphy), Darus Sana’ie (Handicraft), Tadribul Muallimeen (Teacher Training), faculty of English language, Computer Training Centre, Journalism course, Faculty of Tahffuz., Khatum-e- Nubuwwat, comparative studies on Islam and Christianity etc. The admission rules for these faculties are as follows:
Tadribul Muallimeen (Teacher Training):
According to the decision of Majlis-e-Shura,…………… students are selected for ………………… years. Only the Indians applicants can be considered who have spent more than one year in Darul-Uloom and enjoyed better character record. A teacher has be appointed to train these students how to teach.
Darul Ifta (Mufti Course)
1. |
The candidates for Darul Ifta shall emphatically be perfect in Islamic appearance, and no compromise shall be made in this regard. |
2. |
Those completing Dawrah will have to acquire 45 marks in order to get admitted in Darul Ifta. |
3. |
The students of Takmilaat wishing to get admission in Darul Ifta have to secure at least ……………..marks. |
4. |
The number of students will not exceed ……………..and preferably the students will be selected on state wise. If any state does not have the qualified candidate so the seat will be filled by candidates from other areas. |
5. |
Two students securing distinct marks shall be selected for Tadribul Ifta for two years and they will be given Rs. 800 as scholarship. |
Takhassus fil Hadith (Specialization in Hadith):
1. |
Like other Takmilaat, only the students of Darul-Uloom shall be given admission. |
2. |
Every year only five students would be enrolled for two years who have passed Dawrah with high marks and those having got distinct marks in Takmil-e-adab shall be preferred. |
Academy (Journalism Course):
1. |
Only 6 students having passed Dawrah shall be granted admission for this journalism course. |
2. |
They have to go through written test in which they would be asked to write article on a particular subject. In the light of their writing skill, the selection will be rendered. |
3. |
Students have to be busy in their work in other times besides official time. |
Department of Radd-e-Isaiat (Comparative Study of Christianity & Islam):
1. |
Only 6 students having passed Dawrah shall be granted admission for this journalism course. |
2. |
For admission in this department, written and oral examinations regarding Hadhrat-Isa (Peace be upon him) will be given. |
3. |
The students have to be busy in their work beyond official time. |
Department of English language and literature
1. |
Students having got ………….in Dawrah and …………in the annual exam of Takmilaat are entitled to apply for this department. |
2. |
15 Fazils of Darul-Uloom are selected through written and oral tests (of Hadith, Tafseer, Fiqh, Arabic language etc.) for two years. |
3. |
The students will have to be busy in their assignments full time besides the class periods. |
Computer Training Centre
1. |
20 students of Darul-Uloom are selected for this course every year; the number of students can be increased as per the facility. |
2. |
The candidates will have to pass the written test. In case the candidates are in larger number, the students will be selected on the basis of high marks and interview. It is essential for them to know basic educations of English, Urdu and Math. |
3. |
Students will have to be busy in their works full time besides the class periods. |
Department of Calligraphy (Kitabat):
1. |
Students shall be granted admission with Imdad. |
2. |
The students of Darul-Uloom shall be preferred |
3. |
Candidates wishing to get admission in this department shall have to go through admission test, and only those having basic knowledge of the art can be selected. Old students who could not complete the course would be re-enrolled without Imdad provided the Nazim of the faculty recommends. |
4. |
Students with Imdad or without Imdad shall have to practice 6 hours daily (Madrasa time) in their class. |
3. |
The students who have undergone training while getting Arabic education and the Nazim of the department testifies their skill, would be preferred for admission after Dawrah with Imdad. |
6. |
All the students must adopt proper appearance like a student. |
7. |
The admission will be cancelled if the fixed exercises are not completed in the first half year. |
8. |
Students coming from other Madrasa may also get admission in this department but for this they will have to face interview as well as to present character certificate certified by any trusted person of their Madrasa. |
Department of Handicrafts:
1. |
Candidates will not be given admission unless they have proper appearance like a student. |
2. |
Student whom the teacher of the faculty certifies shall be given admission. |
3. |
If a student does not fulfill the requirements within first three months, his admission will be cancelled. |
4. |
Only …………students shall be granted admission in this Faculty and they shall receive Imdad. |
3. |
It is essential for students to attend the class for entire official time. |
Diniyaat, Urdu, Persian, Hifz-e-Quran:
1. |
Only local children will be given admission for these classes. |
2. |
Local children can be given admission in Nazi-rah and Hifz classes any time. |
3. |
The other Diniyaat classes shall be open for admission only till the vacation of Zil-Hijjah. |
jweed, Hafs, Urdu, Hafs Arabic:
1. |
Only the students can apply for Hafs Urdu who are hafiz and have good qualification or Urdu. They must not be less than 18 years of age. |
2. |
The students, who have already been Hafiz and familiar with Urdu, will have to undergo test. |
3. |
Candidates, getting admission in Hafs Urdu, will have to take the written test of basic math. |
Curriculum of Darul-Uloom
First year:
Sirat Khatimul Imbiaa, Mizan, Munshaeb, Panj-Ganj, Nahvmir, Shrahmiat-e-Amil, Miftahul Arabia (1st and 2nd parts), Al-Qiratul Waziha, Hifz of 30th Para with Tajweed along with practice of one forth.
Second year:
Hidayatun-Nahv, Ilmus-Segha, Fusul-e-Akbari (Khasiyaat), Al-Qiratul Waziha, Nafhatul-Adab, Noorul-Izah (excluding Al-Haj), Quduri up to Al-Haj, Aasan Mantiq, Miraqaat, Jamalul Quran with practice of Para Aamm of last three quarters.
Third year:
Translation of the Holy Quran form Surah Qaaf to the end (starting from part 30th), Quduri from Kitabul Buyoo to the end, Kafia(complete) , Nafhatul Arab, Mishkatul Aasar, Al-Qiratul Waziha (part 3), Taalimul Mutallim, Sharah Tahzib (complete), Tarikh Millat (self-study)
Forth year:
Translation of the Holy Quran (from Surah Yusuf to Qaaf), Sharah Waqaya (first vol.) after it, second vol. up to Kitabul Itaaq, Durusul Balagha (complete), Al-Fiatul Hadith, Arabi Tashilul Usul, Usulush-Shasi, Qutubi, Modern Educations (history, geography, civics).
Fifth year:
Hidaya Awwal (complete), Translation of the Holy Quran from the beginning to the end of surah Hood, Mukhtasarul Ma’ani, Talkhisul Miftah (Chapter three), Nurul Anwar, AL-Manar, Maqamaat, Sullamul Uloom, Aqidatu-tahavi, Tarikh salateen-e-Hind (self study).
Sixth year:
Jalaalain, Hidaya sani (including Al-Itaaq), AL0Fauzul Kabir, Husaami Qasaaid Muntakhaba (from Diwan Mutanabbi) Diwan Hamasa (Babul Adab), Mabadiyul Falsafa, Mebzi, Asahus Sier (self study).
Seventh year:
Mishkatul Masabih, Nukhbatul Fikr, Muqaddama Shaik Ammiul Haq, Hidaya Aakhirain, Sharah Aqaaid, Siraji.
Dawrah (Final year):
Bukhari Shareef, Muslim Shareef, Tirmizi Shareef, Abu Dawud Shareef, Nasai Shareef, Ibn Maja Shareef, tahavi Shareef, Shamael Tirmizi Shareef, Muatta Imam Malik, Muatta Imam Muhammad, Tajweed and Practice.
1. The bell is rung two times before beginning the exam papers.
(A) First time, the bell is rung at quarter past …………n o’clock. At this bell, the students must reach the exam hall and take their seats.
(B) Second time, the bell is rung at quarter to ……... O’clock; no student will be allowed to enter the exam hall after the ringing is finished.
(C) those students must come to the exam hall who have to appear in the exam, no extra student should come there.
2. The students should come to the exam hall after relieving themselves. No student will be permitted to go out for urine etc. in the first and last hours, however, one will be allowed for this in the second and third hours, but none should go out of the exam hall without taking token.
3. Students must not come to the exam hall carrying any blank paper, newspapers, or any other kind of papers and mobile. If any student is caught having mobile with him in the exam hall, his exam paper will be canceled.
4. It is essential for the students to have proper appearance for sitting in the exam hall. If any student is found having trimmed his beard, he will be debarred taking the exam.
5. Students should write nothing on question papers, if anyone found to do so, his exam will be canceled considering it copying.
6. Student neither should tear any page of the paper nor Should write his name, form no nor should put any distinctive sigh on the paper. If anyone found guilty of it, the marks of the paper will be counted as zero.
7. The students are instructed to write in their papers such a way that no any other student may be able to copy from their papers, if anyone found doing so, the exam of both the students, the one who makes other copy, will be canceled, also will not be permitted to sit in the further exam papers.
8. It is compulsory for the students to come with the permission letter, otherwise will be debarred taking the exam.
9. The students should keep in mind that rooms numbering from 1 to 10 are in the basement of the Masjid-e-Rashid and rooms numbering from 11 to 15 are in the balcony of the same Masjid.ast