Tahreek Karwan Islami is purely a non political, non-profitable, religious, social and spiritual movement founded by Amir Karwan Allama Ghulam Rasool Hami in 2004. Since its very inception, Karwan Islami of course with the overwhelming support of people from all shades of life is gradually progressing towards achieving the objectives of universal brotherhood, peace, unity among people of all faiths by spreading the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Peace Be Upon Him. The main objective of the movement led by founder patron, who is a renowned religious scholar, is to achieve universal brotherhood by enriching the humanity in the light of teachings of Islam and also the developments that are taking place across the world. Apart from this, Tahreek Karwan Islami makes efforts to safeguard the interests of downtrodden, widows, poor, orphans, needy brothers and sisters and to achieve this noble objective seeks the support of people across the globe especially people from the valley.
We feel privileged in informing the readers across the globe that the chief patron of the movement devotes every single moment of his life along with his team of dedicated persons towards the noble cause.
Even after facing enormous odds, the founder patron has shown unflinching commitment to go ahead with his noble mission and with the grace of Almighty God has so far earned overwhelming support from people of all shades of life. Without any fear or favour, the chief patron has been spreading the message of Quran, Hades , Awalya qamaleemns , universal brotherhood and peace in the nook and corner of the state and also outside through written literature and by organizing symposia, conventions and seminar. Always tempted to enhance the network of Tahreek Karwan Islami even the founder patron is spreading the pious message abroad also.
Karwan Islami is an organized and all time active movement, which under its own constitution is discharging its duties working under it. Each unit is department/unit is headed by Secretary and Secretary General heads all 12 units. The Secretary General submits the report of performance of all units to central working committee, having 1100 members.
Department of preaching is a vital department in the organization and through this department; the organization disseminates the information to the doorsteps. Its is matter of pleasure to inform the readers that Karwan Islami has encouraged many scholars to preach the messages of universal brotherhood and peace in nook and corner of the state even in this modern age largely influenced by the western cultures.
The message universal brotherhood, peace and unity among people of all faiths are also disseminated through seminars, conventions, quiz and the religious sermons. With the help of its department of education, Karwan Islami has in a short period of time set up around 650 Islamic Madrasas in which apart from imparting religious education, religious scholars are working hard to enlighten the children with concepts in religion. Department of preaching in line with a diversified programme has set up Islamic libraries sizeable number of books on religion, where hundreds of people read the Islamic literature.
According to an organized programme, Karwan Islami has set up eight Darul-Ulooms in Kashmir valley in which hundreds of learners are enrolled. Makarzul Madaris Al Jamiatul Qadria spared over 32 kanals of land at Trehgam Shadipora is part of this programme. Makarzul Madaris Al Jamiatul Qadria offers diverse education including Hifz Quran, Tafseer Wafkah, Arabic, Persian education, computer education, science and in some other key subjects of immense importance in day to day lives.
Though the construction of Makarzul Madaris Al Jamiatul Qadria is still going on, hopefully the day will not be far away, when it will be complete. To pursue computer education in different computer courses, orphans and needy children are benefited in a technical training institute already approved by the state government. To add another feather to its cap, the state assembly has passed a bill on October 18, 2010 clearing the establishment of ‘Sheikh Ul Alam Research University of Kashmir’, It may be recalled here that Karwan Islami has linked its educational programme Min Zulmat Al Noor with the name of renowned religious scholar Hazrat Sheikh Ul Alam- Sheikh Noordin Noorani (RA). According to the decision taken by advisory board, the Karwan Islami 15 per cent of poor students will get free admission to continue their studies in which 4 per cent quota would be for Jammu province, 3 per cent for Ladakh region and 8 per cent for Kashmir valley.
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